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at that season

  • 1 season

    1. noun
    1) (time of the year) Jahreszeit, die

    dry/rainy season — Trocken-/Regenzeit, die

    2) (time of breeding) (for mammals) Tragezeit, die; (for birds) Brutzeit, die; (time of flourishing) Blüte[zeit], die; (time when animal is hunted) Jagdzeit, die

    nesting season — Nistzeit, die; Brut[zeit], die; see also academic.ru/13561/close_season">close season; open season

    3) (time devoted to specified, social activity) Saison, die

    harvest/opera season — Erntezeit, die/Opernsaison, die

    football season — Fußballsaison, die

    holiday or (Amer.) vacation season — Urlaubszeit, die; Ferienzeit, die

    tourist season — Touristensaison, die; Reisezeit, die

    ‘the season’s greetings' — "ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches neues Jahr"


    raspberries are in/out of or not in season — jetzt ist die/nicht die Saison od. Zeit für Himbeeren

    5) (ticket) see season ticket
    6) (Theatre, Cinemat.) Spielzeit, die. See also high season; low season; silly 1. 1)
    2. transitive verb
    1) (lit. or fig.) würzen [Fleisch, Rede]
    2) (mature) ablagern lassen [Holz]

    seasonederfahren [Wahlkämpfer, Soldat, Reisender]

    * * *
    ['si:zn] 1. noun
    1) (one of the main divisions of the year according to the regular variation of the weather, length of day etc: The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter; The monsoon brings the rainy season.) die Jahreszeit
    2) (the usual, proper or suitable time for something: the football season.) die Saison
    2. verb
    1) (to add salt, pepper, mustard etc to: She seasoned the meat with plenty of pepper.) würzen
    2) (to let (wood) be affected by rain, sun etc until it is ready for use.) ablagern
    - seasonable
    - seasonal
    - seasoned
    - seasoning
    - season ticket
    - in season
    - out of season
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (period of year) Jahreszeit f
    the \season of Advent/Lent die Advents-/Fastenzeit
    the Christmas/Easter \season die Weihnachts-/Osterzeit
    the compliments of the \season frohes Fest
    the \season of good will die Zeit der Nächstenliebe
    \season's greetings fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr
    the dry/rainy/monsoon \season die Trocken-/Regen-/Monsunzeit
    the festive \season BRIT die Feiertage pl (Weihnachten)
    2. (period of ripeness) Saison f
    oysters are in/out of \season at the moment zurzeit gibt es/gibt es keine Austern
    apple/strawberry \season Apfel-/Erdbeerzeit f
    flowering \season Blüte f
    3. ZOOL fruchtbare Zeit
    to be in \season brünstig sein; dog läufig sein; cat rollig sein fam
    mating \season Paarungszeit f
    4. (business period) Saison f, Hauptzeit f
    at the height of the \season in der [o zur] Hochsaison
    holiday \season Ferienzeit f
    summer \season Sommersaison f
    busy [or high] \season Hochsaison f
    low \season (before height) Vorsaison f; (after height) Nachsaison f, SCHWEIZ a. Nebensaison nt
    in/out of \season während/außerhalb der Saison
    5. SPORT Saison f
    baseball/cricket/football \season Baseball-/Kricket-/Fußballsaison f
    fishing/hunting \season Angel-/Jagdzeit f
    close/open \season (hunting) Schon-/Jagdzeit f; (fishing) Zeit f, in der das Angeln verboten/erlaubt ist
    in/out of \season (hunting) während/außerhalb der Jagdzeit; (fishing) während/außerhalb der Angelzeit
    6. (period of entertainment) Saison f; THEAT Spielzeit f
    7. (period for society events) Saison f
    8. BRIT ( fam: season ticket) Dauerkarte f, Zeitkarte f; SPORT Saisonkarte f; THEAT Abonnement nt
    II. vt
    1. (add flavouring)
    to \season sth [with sth] etw [mit etw dat] würzen
    lightly/heavily \seasoned leicht/stark gewürzt
    the stew's done, but it needs to be \seasoned der Eintopf ist fertig, aber er muss noch abgeschmeckt werden
    2. (dry out)
    to \season wood Holz ablagern lassen
    to \season tobacco/wine Tabak/Wein [aus]reifen lassen
    III. vi
    1. FOOD würzen, abschmecken
    to \season to taste nach Geschmack würzen
    2. (dry out) wood [ab]lagern
    3. (mature) tobacco, wine [aus]reifen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (of the year) Jahreszeit f

    rainy/monsoon season — Regen-/Monsunzeit f

    2) (= social season, sporting season etc) Saison f

    nesting/hunting season — Brut-/Jagdzeit f

    strawberries are in season/out of season now — für Erdbeeren ist jetzt die richtige/nicht die richtige Zeit

    in and out of season — andauernd, jahrein (und) jahraus

    to go somewhere out of/in season — an einen Ort fahren or gehen, wenn keine Saison/wenn Saison ist

    "Season's greetings" — "fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr"

    3) (THEAT) Spielzeit f

    for a season — eine Spielzeit lang; (TV, Film) Serie f; (of series) Staffel f

    a Dustin Hoffman season, a season of Dustin Hoffman films — eine Serie von Dustin-Hoffman-Filmen

    4) (fig liter)
    2. vt
    1) food würzen; (fig = temper) durchsetzen
    2) wood ablagern; (fig = inure) troops stählen
    * * *
    season [ˈsiːzn]
    A s
    1. (Jahres)Zeit f:
    the four seasons (of the year) die vier Jahreszeiten; dry A 3, rainy 1
    2. a) (rechte) Zeit (für etwas), günstigste Zeit
    b) (Reife)Zeit f
    c) JAGD Paarungszeit f
    d) Zeitpunkt m:
    at that season zu diesem Zeitpunkt;
    in season (gerade) reif oder (günstig) auf dem Markt zu haben (Früchte), JAGD jagdbar, ZOOL brünstig (Tier), fig rechtzeitig, zur rechten Zeit;
    in due season zu gegebener Zeit;
    cherries are now in (out of) season jetzt ist (keine) Kirschenzeit;
    a word in season ein Rat zur rechten Zeit;
    out of season nicht (auf dem Markt) zu haben, JAGD nicht jagdbar, fig unpassend, zur Unzeit;
    for a season eine Zeit lang; close season, open B 13
    3. Saison f, Haupt(betriebs-, -geschäfts)zeit f: dull A 6, high season, low season, off C 9
    4. (Veranstaltungs- etc)Saison f:
    first win of the season SPORT erster Saisonsieg;
    baseball season Baseballsaison oder -spielzeit f; theatrical A 1
    5. (Bade- etc) Saison f, (Ferien-, Urlaubs) Zeit f
    6. a) REL Festzeit f, besonders Weihnachts-, Oster-, Pfingstzeit f
    b) oft Season Weihnachten n und pl:
    “season’s greetings” „frohes Fest!“; compliment A 3
    7. Br umg season ticket
    B v/t
    1. Speisen würzen, abschmecken, anmachen ( alle:
    with mit)
    2. fig würzen ( with mit):
    seasoned with wit geistreich
    3. Tabak etc (aus)reifen lassen:
    seasoned wine ausgereifter oder abgelagerter Wein
    4. Holz ablagern
    5. eine Pfeife einrauchen
    6. gewöhnen (to an akk), abhärten:
    be seasoned to a climate an ein Klima gewöhnt sein;
    a seasoned stomach ein robuster Magen;
    seasoned soldiers fronterfahrene Soldaten;
    troops seasoned by battle kampferprobte Truppen
    7. sein Temperament etc mäßigen
    C v/i
    1. (aus)reifen
    2. ablagern, austrocknen (Holz)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (time of the year) Jahreszeit, die

    dry/rainy season — Trocken-/Regenzeit, die

    2) (time of breeding) (for mammals) Tragezeit, die; (for birds) Brutzeit, die; (time of flourishing) Blüte[zeit], die; (time when animal is hunted) Jagdzeit, die

    nesting season — Nistzeit, die; Brut[zeit], die; see also close season; open season

    3) (time devoted to specified, social activity) Saison, die

    harvest/opera season — Erntezeit, die/Opernsaison, die

    football season — Fußballsaison, die

    holiday or (Amer.) vacation season — Urlaubszeit, die; Ferienzeit, die

    tourist season — Touristensaison, die; Reisezeit, die

    ‘the season’s greetings' — "ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches neues Jahr"


    raspberries are in/out of or not in season — jetzt ist die/nicht die Saison od. Zeit für Himbeeren

    6) (Theatre, Cinemat.) Spielzeit, die. See also high season; low season; silly 1. 1)
    2. transitive verb
    1) (lit. or fig.) würzen [Fleisch, Rede]
    2) (mature) ablagern lassen [Holz]

    seasonederfahren [Wahlkämpfer, Soldat, Reisender]

    * * *
    Jahreszeit f.
    Saison -s f. v.
    würzen v.

    English-german dictionary > season

  • 2 season

    /'si:zn/ * danh từ - mùa (trong năm) =the four seasons+ bốn mùa =the dry season+ mùa khô =the rainy+ season mùa mưa - thời cơ, lúc mùa, vụ, thời gian hoạt động mạnh =a word in season+ lời nói đúng lúc =to be out of season+ hết mùa =the Parisian season+ thời gian có nhiều hoạt động (văn nghệ, xã giao, tham quan...) ở Pa-ri =hunting season+ mùa săn =harvest season+ mùa gặt - một thời gian =this jacket may still endure for a season+ cái áo này còn có thể chịu đựng được một thời gian * động từ - luyện tập cho quen (với thời tiết, nắng gió...); làm dày dạn; làm cho thích hợp để sử dụng =to season somebody to the hard life+ làm cho ai dày dạn với cuộc sống gian khổ =to season a pipe+ làm cho tẩu đóng cao (để hút cho ngon) =has this wood been well seasoned?+ gỗ này đã thật khô chưa - cho gia vị (vào thức ăn); thêm mắm thêm muối =conversation was seasoned with humour+ câu chuyện được những câu hài hước làm thêm mặn mà =highly seasoned dishes+ những món ăn có nhiều gia vị - làm dịu bớt, làm nhẹ bớt, làm đỡ gay gắt =let mercy season justice+ hãy lấy tình thương mà làm giảm nhẹ công lý

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > season

  • 3 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) abono
    abono (Espectáculo, deporte) s.m.
    noun abono m (de temporada); (before n)
    * * *
    noun abono m (de temporada); (before n)

    English-spanish dictionary > season ticket

  • 4 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) abonnementskort
    * * *
    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) abonnementskort

    English-Danish dictionary > season ticket

  • 5 season

    1. ऋतु
    Spring season is very delightful.
    2. मौसम
    Summer is mango season.
    3. मौका
    I am sure you will get success but you will have to wait for a season.
    1. स्वादिष्ट बनाना
    I have made this food season by using more spices.
    2. सीअना
    Furniture made of oak that has been well-seasoned.

    English-Hindi dictionary > season

  • 6 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) sesongkort/-billett
    subst. \/ˈsiːznˌtɪkɪt\/
    rabattkort, sesongbillett, abonnement, årskort, månedskort

    English-Norwegian dictionary > season ticket

  • 7 season ticket

    Dauerkarte, die; (for one year/month) Jahres-/Monatskarte, die
    * * *
    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) die Zeitkarte
    * * *
    ˈsea·son tick·et
    n Dauerkarte f, Zeitkarte f, Abonnement nt SCHWEIZ; SPORT Saisonkarte f; THEAT Abonnement nt, Abonnementskarte f
    * * *
    n (RAIL)
    Zeitkarte f; (THEAT) Abonnement nt

    season ticket holderInhaber( in) m(f) einer Zeitkarte, Abonnent(in) m(f)

    * * *
    1. BAHN etc Dauer-, Zeitkarte f
    2. THEAT etc Abonnement(skarte) n(f)
    * * *
    Dauerkarte, die; (for one year/month) Jahres-/Monatskarte, die

    English-german dictionary > season ticket

  • 8 that

    [ðæt,ðət] pron
    1) (thing, person over there) das;
    I don't want this - give me \that ich möchte nicht das - gib' mir das;
    \that's not right - three times five is fifteen not sixteen das stimmt nicht - drei Mal fünf ist fünfzehn, nicht sechzehn;
    who's \that? is \that the girl you're looking for? wer ist das? ist das das Mädchen, das du suchst?;
    \that's his wife over there das da drüben ist seine Frau
    \that was yesterday that we talked on the phone, not last week wir haben gestern, nicht letzte Woche telefoniert!;
    ah, 1985, \that was a good year ah, 1985, das war ein gutes Jahr
    who's \that on the phone? wer spricht?;
    hello, is \that Ben? hallo, ist da Ben?;
    is \that you making all the noise, John? machst du so einen Lärm, John?;
    \that was a difficult problem to resolve dieses Problem war schwierig zu lösen;
    \that's a good idea das ist eine gute Idee
    before \that davor;
    after \that danach;
    like \that derartig;
    we need more people like \that wir brauchen mehr derartige Leute;
    don't talk like \that sprich nicht so ( fam);
    he can't just leave like \that er kann nicht einfach so verschwinden
    5) (form: the one)
    his appearance was \that of an undergrown man er sah aus, als ob er zu klein gewachsen wäre;
    his handwriting is like \that of a child seine Handschrift gleicht der eines Kindes;
    we are often afraid of \that which we cannot understand wir fürchten uns oft vor dem, was wir nicht verstehen
    6) ( with an action) das;
    why did you do \that? warum hast du das gemacht?;
    if you hold it like \that, it will break wenn du das so hältst, wird es kaputtgehen;
    \that's more like it das ist doch gleich schon viel besser!;
    you switch the computer on at the back - \that's it schalte den Computer auf der Rückseite an - ja, so;
    \that will do [or \that's enough] das reicht;
    he gave his mom a kiss and with \that drove off to college er küsste seine Mutter und fuhr dann zum College;
    take \that! für dich!
    \that is [to say] das heißt;
    the hotel is closed during low season, \that is from October to March das Hotel ist in der Nebensaison, also von Oktober bis März, geschlossen
    I heard \that! das habe ich gehört!;
    I just said \that because... ich habe das nur gesagt, weil...;
    it's just a gimmick - \that said, I'd love to do it das ist nur ein Trick - dennoch würde ich es gerne machen;
    the garage still isn't finished - \that's builders for you die Garage ist noch immer nicht fertig - typisch Bauarbeiter!;
    \that's why... deshalb;
    \that's terrible das ist ja furchtbar;
    \that's a pity das ist aber schade
    are you relieved? - oh yes, I am \that bist du erleichtert? - das kannst du [aber] laut sagen
    10) (which, who) der/die/das;
    that's the car [\that] John wants to buy das ist das Auto, das John kaufen möchte;
    I can't find the books [\that] I got from the library ich finde die Bücher nicht, die ich mir von der Bibliothek ausgeliehen habe;
    the baby smiles at anyone \that smiles at her das Baby lächelt alle an, die es anlächeln;
    General Dunstaple married Miss Hughes \that was General Dunstaple heiratete die frühere Miss Hughes
    11) ( when) als;
    the year \that Anna was born das Jahr, in dem Anna geboren wurde
    well, \that's it, we've finished o.k., das war's, wir sind fertig;
    \that's it - I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness jetzt reicht's! - ich lasse mir ihre Unverschämtheit nicht mehr gefallen;
    she left the room and \that was \that, I never saw her again sie verließ den Raum und das war's, ich sah sie nie wieder;
    I won't agree to it and \that's \that ich stimme dem nicht zu, und damit Schluss;
    \that'll do das wird reichen;
    do you need anything else? - no thanks, \that'll do brauchst du sonst noch etwas? - nein danke, das ist alles
    this and \that dies und das;
    at \that noch dazu;
    she was a thief and a clever one at \that sie war eine Diebin, und eine kluge noch dazu;
    and [all] \that ( fam) und so weiter conj
    1) ( as subject/ as object) dass;
    \that such a wonderful thing could happen,... dass etwas so Wunderbares passieren konnte,...;
    I knew [\that] he'd never get here on time ich wusste, dass er niemals rechtzeitig hier sein würde;
    the fact is [\that] we... Fakt ist, dass wir...
    it was so dark [\that] I couldn't see anything es war so dunkel, dass ich nichts sehen konnte
    let's go over the rules again in order \that... gehen wir die Regeln nochmal[s] durch, damit...
    it's possible [\that] there'll be a vacancy es ist möglich, dass eine Stelle frei wird;
    is it true [\that] she's gone back to teaching? stimmt es, dass sie wieder als Lehrerin arbeitet?
    supposing [\that]... angenommen, dass...;
    considering [\that]... wenn man bedenkt, dass...;
    given \that vorausgesetzt, dass
    6) ( as reason) weil, da [ja];
    not \that I have any objection nicht, dass ich etwas dagegenhätte;
    it's rather \that I'm not well today es ist eher deshalb, weil ich mich heute nicht wohl fühle;
    I'd like to go - it's just \that I don't have any time ich würde ja gern hingehen - ich hab' bloß [einfach] keine Zeit;
    now \that we've bought a house jetzt, wo wir ein Haus gekauft haben;
    we can't increase our production quantities in \that the machines are presently working to full capacity wir können die Produktion nicht hochfahren, da [nämlich] die Maschinen derzeit voll ausgelastet sind;
    except [\that] außer, dass;
    his plan sounds perfect except [\that] I don't want to be involved in such a scheme sein Plan hört sich großartig an, nur will ich mit so einem Vorhaben nichts zu tun haben;
    to the extent \that in dem Maße wie;
    apes are like people to the extent \that they have some human characteristics Affen sind wie Menschen, insofern [als] sie gewisse menschliche Eigenschaften haben
    7) ( however)
    where do you get your hair cut? - not \that it really matters wo lässt du dir die Haare schneiden? - nicht, dass es sonderlich wichtig wäre;
    not \that it's actually my business, but... nicht, dass es mich etwas anginge, aber...
    8) (form, liter dated: expressing a wish)
    oh \that I were young again! wäre ich [doch] nochmal jung!;
    oh \that they would listen! wenn sie [doch] nur zuhören würden! adv
    inv so;
    she's too young to walk \that far sie ist zu jung, um so weit laufen zu können;
    it wasn't [all] \that good so gut war es auch wieder nicht;
    it hurt me \that much I cried es hat mich so verletzt, dass ich weinte

    English-German students dictionary > that

  • 9 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) áskriftarmiði

    English-Icelandic dictionary > season ticket

  • 10 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) bérlet(jegy)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > season ticket

  • 11 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) passe

    English-Portuguese dictionary > season ticket

  • 12 season ticket

    sezonluk bilet
    * * *
    mevsimlik bilet
    * * *
    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) mevsimlik bilet, abonman karnesi

    English-Turkish dictionary > season ticket

  • 13 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) sezonska vozovnica

    English-Slovenian dictionary > season ticket

  • 14 season ticket

    • kausilippu
    • kausikortti
    • sarjalippu
    * * *
    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) kausikortti

    English-Finnish dictionary > season ticket

  • 15 season ticket

    nome (in transport, sport, theatre) abbonamento m.
    * * *
    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) abbonamento
    * * *
    Theatre, Rail etc, abbonamento
    * * *
    nome (in transport, sport, theatre) abbonamento m.

    English-Italian dictionary > season ticket

  • 16 season ticket

    n ( RAIL)
    bilet m okresowy; (SPORT, THEAT) abonament m
    * * *
    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) abonament, bilet okresowy

    English-Polish dictionary > season ticket

  • 17 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) sezonas biļete

    English-Latvian dictionary > season ticket

  • 18 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) nuolatinis bilietas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > season ticket

  • 19 season ticket

    säsongskort, säsongsbiljett
    * * *
    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) säsongsbiljett, -kort

    English-Swedish dictionary > season ticket

  • 20 season ticket

    (a ticket (usually for travel) that can be used repeatedly during a certain period: a three-month season ticket.) předplatní lístek
    * * *
    • sezónní vstupenka

    English-Czech dictionary > season ticket

См. также в других словарях:

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  • All That (Season seven) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 7 headercolour = 0099FF caption = The Season 7 cast show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired = January 19, 2002 last aired = May… …   Wikipedia

  • All That (Season eight) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 8 style= color:white headercolour = 990099 caption = The season 8 cast show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired = 2002 last aired …   Wikipedia

  • All That (Season nine) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 9 style= color:white headercolour = FF9933 caption = The season 9 cast (In Rehearsal for Opening Title) show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network =… …   Wikipedia

  • All That (Season two) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 2 headercolour = FFFF00 caption = show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired = October 7, 1995 last aired = October 12, 1996 num… …   Wikipedia

  • All That (Season three) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 3 headercolour = 0000FF caption = The Season 3 Cast show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired = November 16, 1996 last aired =… …   Wikipedia

  • All That (Season four) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 4 headercolour = 00FF00 caption = The Season 4 cast show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired = November 15, 1995 last aired =… …   Wikipedia

  • All That (Season five) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 5 headercolour = CC66CC caption = show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired = December 12, 1998 last aired = October 16, 1999 num… …   Wikipedia

  • All That (Season one) — Infobox tvseason season name = All That, Season 1 headercolour = FF3300 caption = The Seasons 1 + 2 with Creators Mike, Brian, and Dan show name = All That dvd release date = TBA dvd format = NTSC country = USA network = Nickelodeon first aired …   Wikipedia

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